Saturday, June 27, 2020

Stamping Sew In Labels With Acrylic Paint

Here is my simple tutorial for stamping on fabric with acrylic paint mixed with fabric medium to make your own sew in labels. I previously did a blog post on this topic here.  

Mix equal parts acrylic paint and fabric medium with a brush and then apply it to a makup sponge.
I used Dina Wakley acrylic paint and Liquitex fabric medium, mixing in a paint tray.

Make sure paint is equally distributed and tap your stamp on it 2 or 3 times. I tested on scrap fabric to be sure it stamped well. If you get too much paint on the stamp the letters will smudge. So clean off the paint and do another sample till it looks good.

I created fabric strips using my serger sewing with a narrow hem. You can use any strip of cotton fabric, such as cotton twill tape. Place fabric strips on protective paper-I used an old calendar here. Stamp by pressing down carefully and lifting straight up. Leave space between each stamped impression so fabric raw edge can be turned under before sewing into garment.

Allow paint to dry thoroughly-preferably 24 hours. Then heat set with iron-dry setting, using a press cloth. For a press cloth, used an old men's handkerchief and press for about 10-20 seconds, though I have read to heat set for 2 to 3 minutes...not sure about that! Also wait about a week before laundering to help set the paint.

Here is what my label looks like in a pair of bike shorts I made for my granddaughter. I love having a custom label to sew into gifts.

Thanks for visiting.
Stay safe and healthy!

1 comment:

Diane Bouse said...

You continually amaze me with all you do. These are cute and so usable. Love Love Love.