Sunday, December 2, 2018

Fleece Lining for Crocheted Hat

Thanks to Christina Ramirez of Love Stitch Love for her tutorial on how to add a fleece lining to a crocheted hat. I am blogging some photos I made to remember this process.

As Christina suggested, I made a pattern from the crocheted hat, which was folded into quarters first.

Using a 1/2 inch seam allowance, sew 2 of the pieces together twice.
This gives you 2 halves. 
Then sew those 2 halves together creating the hat lining.
I marked the half way points on both the fleece and the crocheted hat. 
Then it was easy to line them up and pin together.
Put the fleece hat inside the crocheted hat, matching the sides.
Place the fleece earflap pieces so they match the crocheted earflaps.
Leave about 1/2 inch unsewn on either side of the earflaps when sewing them to hat.
Then you can fold that part underneath for a finished edge.

Pin the hem under on fleece earflap and all along fleece lining.
I machine topstitched that part of the earflap to make it stay in place.

Hand sew the fleece lining to crocheted hat using small stitches.
Stretch out the hat now and then so thread will not break with the normal use.
On an earlier attempt, I machine stitched the fleece lining to the crocheted hat, 
but I found it much easier to sew it by hand.

Thanks Christina for your great tutorial! 


Diane Bouse said...

Is this for Gavin? So darn cute.

Hetty said...

Nice and warm hat and fun too!